iDatafy opens SmartResume to all job seekers in the United States and Canada
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iDatafy has enabled dozens of trusted institutional partners to create SmartResumes for learners and earners since 2019.  Leading professional organizations such as SHRM and education institution partners such as The University of Arkansas System have each created more than 100,000 SmartResumes for their members and students.  Today, iDatafy announced that their SmartResume platform is now open and free to all job seekers in the United States and Canada, regardless of institutional affiliation.  Job seekers that have verifiable credentials with Canvas Credentials, RANDA Solutions and Learning Economy Foundation can easily import their credentials and make a SmartResume of their own by visiting

“For the first time job seekers don’t need to start a resume with a blank template or word document. They can now pull in institutionally certified records of their achievements, credentials, certifications, and licenses as high quality and verifiable resume content to serve as the foundation that communicates their unique value to potential employers,” said Dave Wengel, CEO of iDatafy, the parent company of SmartResume.

SmartResume is unlike any resume builder on the planet.  The free service helps job seekers build a next generation resume around their digitally verifiable credentials, enabling them to prove the authenticity of their qualifications to employers.  The platform asks users simple questions through a mobile first experience to help them create sections of their resumes one at a time, simplifying the resume creation process. 

The SmartResume partner integrations with Learning Economy Foundation, RANDA Solutions, and Canvas Credentials (formerly Badgr) are a natural extension of the collaboration with each of these organizations through the Jobs For The Future’s Plugfest. JFF’s Plugfest challenged credential issuing platforms and credential wallets to expand self-sovereign identity, blockchain-based identity, and interoperability between learning and employment record technology platforms.  SmartResume is excited to partner further with each of these industry defining partner organizations.

“With LearnCard, students can own and control their academic achievements as digital, verifiable credentials, and connect them to any system. Our partnership with SmartResume is a natural extension of our work and mission, and one we are excited to bring to the full spectrum of learners and institutions we serve,” said Taylor Kendal, President of Learning Economy Foundation.

With RANDA Solutions integration with iDatafy, SmartResume now supports the ingestion of Comprehensive Learner Records unlocking the job seeking applications of a new digital data standard.  “Comprehensive Learner Records are the next generation in verifiable credentials allowing individuals to create collections of related credentials into a single verifiable package including transcripts, licenses, and test results.. With RANDA Solutions’ Teacher Wallet we make it easy for teachers and teacher candidates to share their verifiable credentials with  current and potential employers mapped directly to courses they are qualified to teach. This integration allows those educators to further extend their access to opportunities within the SmartResume ecosystem.,” said Kimberly Linson, Director of Credential Ecosystems for RANDA Solutions.

“SmartResume is designed from the ground up to support the interoperability of digital credentials in order to unlock an individual’s ability to prove their skills, competencies, knowledge and human potential,” said Ian Davidson, Chief Growth Officer of iDatafy. “We are excited to now offer anyone who wants a better resume the ability to pull in data from these platforms to tell their story. We will be integrating more partners in the months ahead.” 

If you have digital credentials with any of these leading providers we invite you to build your own SmartResume to experience the resume of the future, and to join SmartResume’s certified talent network where you can connect with employers who use digital credentials to discover, recruit, and hire talented people like you.  Just visit

Press Contact:

Ian Davidson, Chief Growth Officer, iDatafy

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